Institutional Publications

SEF Collective

SEF Collective is an organizational newsletter aimed at providing SEF's stakeholders information regarding the Foundations activities, its range of initiatives and interventions and their impact. The newsletter is published regularly in English & Sindhi.

Progress Reports

Read SEF's progress over the years.

A Booklet on Public Private Partnership

The PPP booklet, published by the SEF is a comprehensive discourse that reinforces the private and public sector partnerships as a feasible development strategy - allowing for more efficient solutions for service provision such as health, education, etc. The publication outlines a practical view of successful PPPs; key strategies and approaches as well as different public-private engagement processes. Taking the contrasting priorities of the two sectors under discussion, the booklet recognizes the need for communication to bring synergy for optimum results. Also highlighted are the Foundation's experiences of almost two decades in implementing PPPs for provision of education to marginalized communities of Sindh. Additionally, the booklet serves as a useful follow-up to the symposium on Public Private Partnership "Bridging the Gap: Synergizing efforts for Social Development" organized by SEF in March 2009.

Early Childhood Development Initiatives in Pakistan: A Mapping Study

The ECD Mapping study carried out by SEF as a part of the RCC:ECD Programme, shares with the readers the synergized efforts made by various organizations in the area of Early Childhood Development in Pakistan. The study outlines the benefits of investing in ECD, situational analysis of ECD in Pakistan; and interventions undertaken in the areas of health, nutrition and education for children aged between 0-8. The Study hopes to eliminate the duplication of efforts, reinforce ECD strategies and build active partnerships for well being of young children and their families.

Safetywise: Milestones of the Road Safety Education Program

Safetywise is a bi-annual newsletter and an interesting resource for readers who wish to learn how the Road Safety Education Program is being piloted in Pakistan. It also provides updates on the Road Safety Education Program (RSEP), an innovative program being implemented in Pakistan to impart road safety education amongst children. The newsletter communicates the activities undertaken at the school, community, and government levels for enhancing the awareness of safety on roads. Genuine concerns of the people have also been highlighted in the publication so as to mobilize authorities to focus towards the unsafe traffic environment and poor road infrastructure and work towards a safer environment for road users everywhere.

Touch of Magic

This publication essentially illustrates the magic of the Releasing Confidence & Creativity (RCC) Programme. It has attempted to capture the confidence the children are now brimming with and the eagerness they show when they go to school.

The publication is also an excellent resource for people who want to know what it is that makes a successful Early Childhood Development (ECD) Programme and what it is that has kept the RCC team ever ready and ever enthusiastic to improve the status of young children wherever it can.

Rediscovering Childhood – Thematic Booklets

A comprehensive set of five booklets have been compiled to cover the Symposium on 'Rediscovering Childhood' and Conference on 'Early Childhood Development in Pakistan' organized by the Sindh Education Foundation. These booklets range from covering the introduction of the three day symposium and a day long conference to an in-depth analysis of some of the major themes that effect childhood. These themes include social institutions and childhood, media and childhood, development & its impact on childhood and lastly Early Childhood Development in Pakistan.

These booklets aim to bring to light the existing plight of childhood and give an insight to those who were unable to attend the event. It also serves as an important resource guide for educationists, practitioners and those dealing with children as it bring forth the essence of childhood and steps necessary for nurturing children in the challenging environment of the global era.